Our response to Corona Virus (Covid 19)

We have reached out to Wheelchair users in need and provided 250 Essential Kits including food and health supplies. We connected with over 200 users, parents and families as a start…We are extending our support to reach more poor and needy users and their families with our online mode. Here is a peek into our actions over the last few weeks - 1. We have been reaching wheelchair users and their families with remote support across India via Phone, What’s app and Skype with : Awareness on COVID-19 precautionary measures (Social distancing and importance of wearing masks, washing hands frequently; avoid touching nose, eyes, mouth;) Wheelchair sanitization tips Importance of repair and maintenance of wheelchairs – keeping it in good condition It was a wonderful experience reaching out to our wheelchair users and being touch with them. Users too were very happy to be contacted and asked about their Health and Well-being. They shared the impact of COVID-19 on their life and that of their fami...